Our friends from the State Special Service of Transport filmed a short video about one day of work of the sapper unit in Gostomel, which was liberated in the spring of 2022.
In recent months, more and more appeals have been received to our Foundation "The Source of the Revival of Ukraine" regarding the problem of demining the liberated territories. Therefore, one of the priorities of our team in 2023 is to provide engineering and demining units and humanitarian demining groups with vehicles, special equipment for demining and unique drones for detecting explosive objects. During 2023, we plan to provide at least 30 engineering and sapper units with the much-needed equipment.
Small first step in this direction is the collection of funds for the provision of the first such sapper unit, which will very soon begin to perform combat tasks of demining infrastructure facilities in the de-occupied territories.
You may donate by PayPal here: https://bit.ly/41tXPZq